
The followings are some of the software of which I am one of the developers.

Brain Networks Analysis


Hodge Lapalacian

The code performs the Hodge Laplacian based modeling of cycles and various Hodge Laplacian based computations in brain networks.

[GitHub repo] [Detailed explanation]


Spherical Multi-dimensional Scaling

The codes performs the spherical- and hyperbolic-MDS of brain networks.

[GitHub repo]

Computational Neuroimaging/Neuroanatomy


Sulcal pattern modeling and matching

The code contains: 1) sulcal pattern projection and continuous re-parametrization 2) Pattern matching with the gradient descent solution (Chartrand's method).

[GitHub repo]


Heat Kernel Smoothing on circular data

This function provides a smooth estimate of the functional data (corpus callosum boundaries) defined on a circle. This is for matching two circular functional data for cross comparison that reduces spatial variability in statistical analysis.

[GitHub repo]